Spook out brother with a miniature frog on his plate or look super cool with the plague of darkness sunglasses, and most of all, relive each of the plagues and the experience of the Pesach story with this classic product. Includes items that represent each of the 10 plagues for hours of Pesach fun.
- One Toy for Every Plague:
- 1 Red cup for blood
- 1 Frog for frogs
- 1 Small black bug for lice
- 1 Lion finger puppet for wild animals
- 1 Cow puzzle for cattle plague
- 1 Sticky hand with white dots for boils
- 1 Red and white bouncing ball for hail
- 1 Large green locust for locusts
- 1 Pair of sunglasses for darkness
- 1 twelve pc. puzzle for death of firstborn